The purpose of choosing this title for my first article is the knowledge of god, the first and the foremost thing is to grow spiritually. For example, a student doing 9th grade should have proper knowledge on his/her studies or else he cannot pass. Like wise a man who is doing job in a particular sector, must have some knowledge about his job or else he cannot do and get promotion. In our life too the knowledge about God is very important. There are many good Christian singers, worship leaders, talented people, educated people, and preachers. We think that they have understood God well and in His knowledge. But it’s not true. Because in many places like churches, organisation the talented people is occupying the main role and that is why there is no proper growth and there is no guidance of God. I will further write about this topic deeply in the forthcoming article using Cain and Abel offering and Bezaleel’s work for the service of the sanctuary. Then who know God well? The one who knows God well is reflected through their fruits.

In order to justify, Matthew has written in his gospel Matthew 27th chapter, about the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. In this chapter we use to meditate the seven words of Christ at the cross. After Christ had given up His spirit, one incident has happened. In Matt-27:51. At that moment the curtain of the temple was torn in two from top to the bottom. How many of us meditate this incident very deeply? But Matthew has written this incident purposely as a first incident. Because, In Exodus 26:33 says, the curtain separates the Holy place from the most Holy place. In the Old Testament days everyone cannot enter into the most holy place. For example, we knew that Moses guided the People of Israelites from Egypt to the Promised Land. God revealed Himself much more to the people in order to make them to know Him better but they couldn’t understand God and that is why they were not able to enter the Promised Land except two who had entered with Faith. Faith is also increased only when we know about God. From this we come to know that the knowledge of God is very important for us to reach our Promises. In order to make us Know Him better he has destroyed the separation through His death. Now in New Testament everyone can enter into the Most Holy place and to know deeply through Jesus Christ.
Apostle Paul in his epistles of Ephesians 1:17, I keep asking that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may give you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that you may know him better. Through Jesus Christ we have received the way to enter into the most holy place. Here Apostle Paul writes that Holy Spirit is the one who gives the wisdom and revelation to know better. He wants the people to receive the Holy Spirit. When we hear about Holy Spirit, when we preach about the Holy Spirit, when we talk about the Holy Spirit the gifts of Holy Spirit comes first.
Apostle Paul tells that when we receive the Holy spirit, gives the wisdom and revelation and so from this we can know about God and this is the first thing. For Example: (There is no home for God and we are the house of the Lord. I am writing this in order to make you to understand what I mean and the Trinity in a simple way). There lived a man and he had one and the only son who owned a beautiful house with beautiful gardens and stuffed with many useful things. One day a man came who had committed so many crimes and spoiled the life of so many. There was no one around that place to give him shelter. He had no peace and happiness and not slept for days. Someone (A missionary) has guided him to go to that beautiful house and added that you will get a deliverance from all sort of sins you have committed. He comes near to that place and finds a man standing out who is the only son to request him to take him to that beautiful house. The only son is Jesus and the man tells the problem he had been suffering and Jesus accepts his sin and receives all the punishments and finally He gives the key of the house. Now he has received the peace and deliverance from the sin and curse. The key is with him and he has entered into the house (Because without Jesus, we cannot enter into the presence of God and the kingdom of God). There are many things i.e. Blessings in that house but do not know how to handle that according to the procedures (How to understand the word of God and to interpret the word of God). He could not understand the Father God because he is new to this house.
The carnal man is struggling with the spiritual man. So that is why we need the spirit of wisdom and revelation. This Holy Spirit will give the wisdom and revelation to know about God and the one who has sacrificed His life for his sin. This is what Apostle Paul wants to tell in Eph 1:17. I want to tell you the truth that unless we humble ourselves in the presence of God we cannot keep our anointing of the Holy Spirit within ourselves. We have received the anointing of the Holy Spirit by the Grace of God.
What is the use to Know God better?
In Joel 3:17 says so shall ye know that I am the LORD your God dwelling in Zion, my holy mountain: then shall Jerusalem be holy…. how can we become holy just by knowing God?
Here Joel tells that when we come to know about God, we will be Holy. Before knowing God our minds and thoughts seek on the world. If we start to seek the knowledge of God slowly our thoughts, eyes, mind turn towards God step by step.
I had a group discussion on the topic, How to stand and grow in Holiness? Some answered through Bible reading, prayer. I answered through the knowledge of God. The leader also acknowledged my answer because; we read in the Bible that God created the world by His words. In Psalms 19:1 says, the heaven declares the glory of God. Now unless I see this world, I come to know how wonderful his creation is. Without seeing his creation or without enjoying his creation how can I praise and glorify God in such a way that he has declared to create the world and only when I see I could understand the power of his word because he has created the world through the word. We read the bible daily. We could understand that particular portion better only when experience it likewise only when we experience God in our life then only we could understand God better. Word gives deliverance but only when we understand the word we receive it.
For example: A person who is doing Gods work in some particular place faces opposing parties who informs him to leave the place within two days or else he and his family members would be killed.. After a while this man was thinking with great confusions by this time another person comes and comforts him not to worry because I am with you and he tells that he will take care of everything. Actually he is the collector of that particular district but the one doing God isnt does not know who he is. He would have left the ministry or else he would have faced the days with fear. Suppose if he comes to know that the man is a collector and he has control over the polices and all other officials then he would have become much courageous and withstand at the same place in spite of all the oppositions .The knowledge of God gives us deliverance from the worldly things (Gen 14:19-23) So what ever problems comes in this world we will not be afraid (II Kings 6:15-17) when we know who is God. Even though death waits we will never leave him (Acts 7:54-60).What ever comes we will not step back from the assigned work of God i.e. ministry. The knowledge of God gives us dedicated life, sacrificial life, humbleness. So finally I conclude that the knowledge of God gives us the holiness in our life. That is what Joel 3:17 tells that when we know about Him better, the holiness will be executed Rev 22 :11. Now we are learning about the Knowledge of God. But now a days, in the Christian community, specially among the youth they do not know who is God, they don’t know the trinity. Now a days in churches too they mostly give sermons about the Holy Spirit not about the Father God and the Son. In every Epistles we could see about the God of heaven and earth.
I watched a video in which a Christian girl has converted to Islam. She has shared her testimony at the mosque.
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Click this Here, But it is in TamilIn the next coming article we are going to know the knowledge of god
· Through Obedience
· Through Grace
· Through Suffering
· Through promises
· Through prayer
· Through sacrifice
· Through wilderness